Permits and Conditions

In Permits and Conditions by Jen Mattingley

It’s important to note that holding or raising wildlife without approval or permit is against the law. Contacts vary depending on your state.

In Victoria contact your local wildlife shelter or DELWP (Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning) Office, Customer Service Centre    phone 136 186 for advice. (private-wildlife licences).

In NSW  contact your local wildlife group or NSW Department of Planning and Environment, phone 02 9585 6406.

In SA contact the Department for Environment and Water, (wildlife permits) phone 08 8204 1910.

In Tasmania contact the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (DPIPWE), phone 03 6492 1133.

In ACT contact the Department of Environment, phone 132 281.

If you are a registered carer or would like to become a carer the information contained within this website may assist.  There is also a comprehensive manual “A Basic Care Guide for Bare-nosed wombats” by  Shirley Lack which can be accessed and downloaded through

Remember wombat orphans will return to the wild. Wombats are not pets and will not live a life among humans. Things to keep in mind are:
* Do not humanize
* Do not imprint
Over handling and over feeding usually creates a tame and often lazy animal which will not be able to survive in the wild.
To enable a happy and successful outcome you need to think about the life and welfare of the orphan once it has been released.